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Terms and Conditions - Legal Notice - Cookie Policy - Privacy Policy

1. Legal Notice

This document is the Legal Notice that establishes the terms of use and regulates the access, browsing, and use of the Website located at the URL (hereinafter, the 'Website').

Accessing, browsing, and using the Website attributes the visitor the status of user (hereinafter, the 'User'), implying the express and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of this Legal Notice, having the same validity and effectiveness as any contract executed in writing and signed.

Its observance and compliance shall be enforceable against any person accessing, browsing, or using the Website. If you do not agree with the terms stated, do not access, browse, or use it.

The author and owner of this website is Raquel Serrano Borraz, with ID-Number 25190856Z and email:

2. Terms and Conditions


Raquel Serrano Borraz is the holder of the intellectual and industrial property exploitation rights of the Website, as well as the Contents offered therein, including, by way of example and not limitation: the platform itself, articles, posts, pages, texts, videos, tutorials, podcasts, images, graphics, infographics, photographs, illustrations, logos, trademarks, graphics, designs, interfaces, or any other information or content and the services available through it.

Any content appearing on this website whose copyright and intellectual property rights belong to a third party will be duly indicated.

In no case shall it be understood that the access, browsing, and use of the Website by the User implies a waiver, transmission, license, or total or partial assignment of such rights by Raquel Serrano Borraz. By accessing the Website, the user acquires a right to use the contents and/or services of the Website within a domestic scope and solely for the purpose of enjoying the benefits of the service in accordance with this Legal Notice.

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the Contents of the Website are reserved, and in particular, it is prohibited to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, make available, transform, sell, or distribute, by any means and in any form, all or part of the content included therein, for public or commercial purposes, without the prior, express, and written authorization of Raquel Serrano Borraz.


The Website may display links to other websites through different buttons, links, banners, embedded content, etc. Raquel Serrano Borraz informs that these are directly managed by third parties. Raquel Serrano Borraz does not have the authority or the human or technical means to know in advance, control, or approve all the information, content, products, or services provided by other platforms to which links may be established from the Website.

Consequently, Raquel Serrano Borraz cannot assume any responsibility for any aspect related to any platform or website to which a link may be established from the Website, specifically, by way of example and not limitation, regarding its operation, access, data, information, files, quality, and reliability of its products and services, its own links, and/or any of its contents, in general.


It is not allowed, and therefore the consequences will be the sole responsibility of the user, to access or use the Website for illegal or unauthorized purposes, with or without economic intent. In particular, and without the following list being absolute or limiting, the following is prohibited:

Use the Website in a way that constitutes a violation of the rights of Raquel Serrano Borraz or any third party.
Use the Website to transmit or publish any material that is defamatory, offensive, racist, sexist, vulgar, demeaning, pornographic, or of an obscene or threatening nature or that may cause annoyance to any person.
Access or interact with the Website with a false identity, impersonating third parties, using a profile, or taking any other action that may lead to confusion about the identity of the origin of a message.
Raquel Serrano Borraz reserves the right to remove all content, contributions, or comments that violate the dignity of the person, are discriminatory, racist, xenophobic, contrary to youth or childhood, pornographic, or that undermine public safety. In any case, Raquel Serrano Borraz will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through forums, chats, or other participation tools.


In accordance with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the processing of user data will be carried out in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Website.


Raquel Serrano Borraz may, at any time and if deemed necessary, take civil or criminal legal actions against any person who misuses the content displayed on the website or breaches these terms and conditions. 

RESULTS GUARANTEERaquel Serrano Borraz shall not be held responsible for the success or failure of users in the application of the information they receive from the website or the services and products it offers. The user shall be solely responsible for the application of what they learn from the material provided by Raquel Serrano Borraz.

The user may write to to resolve any issues they have with the website or the service provided.

MODIFICATION OF THIS LEGAL NOTICE AND DURATIONRaquel Serrano Borraz may modify the terms and conditions stated herein at any time without prior notice.


For any clarification regarding these general conditions or any other aspects, you have the following addresses at your disposal:

Raquel Serrano Borraz

3. Privacy Policy

Who is responsible for processing my personal data?

In accordance with current regulations, we inform you that the personal data you may provide during the use of the website (hereinafter "the Website") will be processed as Controller by Raquel Serrano Borraz, with NIF: 25190856Z.

You can contact Raquel Serrano Borraz via email:

Am I required to provide my personal data?Visiting the Website does not imply that you are required to provide any information about yourself. However, the use of some of the services available on the Website depends on filling out forms with personal information.
The data requested in the various forms on the Website are necessary to provide the requested services. Refusal to provide the data indicated as necessary may result in the inability to adequately provide such services. Likewise, you may voluntarily provide data in order for these services to be optimally provided.
Also, certain website functionalities depend on your authorization for the processing of your personal data.

For what purpose and for how long will you process my personal data?The personal data you provide for the provision of the various services available through the Website will be processed by Raquel Serrano Borraz for the following purposes:

  • In the case of newsletter subscription, the purpose is to send content related to the mowom project activities as well as news to registered users.

    In the case of downloading free resources, the purpose is to send said content, as well as content related to the mowom project activities and news to registered users.

  • In the case of the blog, the purpose is to manage the publication of comments and observations made by users.

  • In the case of the contact form, the purpose will be to respond to the request made by the user.

Likewise, we inform you that certain website functionalities depend on the use of COOKIES, so, if you have not denied the possibility of their use, certain information related to your use of the Website will be processed. You can see the conditions for their use in the "Cookie Policy".At the time of requesting any of the services or using the indicated functionalities, you will be provided with more detailed information about the specific processing.

For how long will you process my personal data?

Your data will be kept as long as necessary for the provision of the requested services and, once said provision is finished, your data will be kept for the periods legally required for any liabilities arising from the service provided.

In the case of registered users, the processing of the data will be maintained until the request for deletion of the created account.

What is the legitimacy of processing my data?
The processing of your data by Raquel Serrano Borraz is based on your request for the services available through the Website or, where appropriate, on the consent requested for specific purposes, which you may withdraw at any time. However, if you revoke your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to such revocation.

Data processorsRaquel Serrano Borraz needs the support of third parties to be able to offer its products or services. These third parties comply with current regulations regarding data protection at the time of their hiring.

The data provided to these third parties may not be used for purposes not authorized by the data subject. These third parties are:

  • ActiveCampaign, LLC (identified with the trademark ACTIVE CAMPAIGN), headquartered at 222 S Riverside Plz # 810 Chicago, Illinois, which provides email marketing services. It participates in and has certified its compliance with the framework of the agreement between the US and the European Union called Privacy Shield, having committed to submit all personal information received from EU member countries to the principles derived from the Privacy Shield. Active Campaign adherence to Privacy Shield:

  • Gmail / Google One / Google Drive / Google Analytics: email, storage, and web analytics services provided by Google LLC, located in Mountain View, California, USA. They have adopted standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, which can be consulted at: More information about privacy and legal aspects:

  • Zoom: video conferencing tool. This service is provided by Zoom Video Communications, Inc., located in the USA. It has adopted standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, which can be consulted at: More information about privacy and legal aspects:


What rights do I have?You can send a written request to the email, with the reference "Data Protection", attaching a photocopy of your identity document, at any time and free of charge, to:

- Revoke the consents granted.
- Access your personal data.
- Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.
- Request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
- Obtain from Raquel Serrano Borraz the limitation of the processing of the data when any of the conditions provided for in data protection regulations are met.
- Request the portability of your data.
- File a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( when you consider that Raquel Serrano Borraz has violated the rights recognized by the applicable data protection regulations.

Can the privacy policy change?
Raquel Serrano Borraz reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to any legislative developments that may be necessary. In such cases, the changes introduced will be announced on the Website with reasonable advance notice before they come into effect.

Last updated: May 26, 2024

4. Cookies Policy

A cookie is a text file that is stored in your browser when you visit a website.

On this website, I use the following cookies:

Own cookies:
– Session cookies.
- Technical cookies.

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